Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381

School Council

School Council


We value the benefits of operating a School Council. The School Council represents the whole school. 

Our School Council aims to ensure our pupils have:

  • A safe, happy and fair learning environment
  • A forum to voice their concerns and act upon them
  • A structured opportunity to learn problem-solving skills
  • An opportunity to take an active role in the organisation of the school
  • An opportunity to experience a democratic process

 Our School Council encourages pupils to develop:

  • A sense of ownership over policy and practice
  • A consensus over school issues such as how we can improve our school
  • A responsibility towards the school community and environment

 Our School Council gives pupils the experience of:

  • Planning, organising and monitoring small projects
  • Speaking and listening skills
  • Debating skills
  • Mediation and negotiating skills
  • Basic budgeting and managing money


Class elections are held every year so that different representatives can put forward their election speeches as well as developing the full potential of the School Council to complete tasks.  Two candidates will be elected from each class in KS2.  The Head Boy and the Head Girl will automatically form part of the School Council.


  • Two representatives from each KS2 class and the Head Boy and the Head Girl
  • Link Teacher
  • An agenda organised by the link teacher
  • Minutes recorded by the children

Giving Feedback to Pupils:

Following the School Council Meeting, School Council Members speak to their class to let them know what is going on and tell the class about the issues being discussed and what is happening next.  This will encourage more children to contribute to further meetings, share worries and let members know the things which could be done to improve the school. 

Comments from our School Council:

‘I enjoy being a member of the School Council because I want to help the school achieve awards.  I feel like I have an impact on what is happening and the decisions which are being made.’

Lily, Y6

 ‘I wanted to be on the School Council to help make Barlborough Primary an even better school. I enjoy our council meetings and I am glad to be part of this vital team.  I want everyone to enjoy their lessons and their time at school.’

Evie, Y6

 ‘I love being on the School Council because I can help others.’

Michael, Y5

 ‘I want to be involved in making sure that everyone is happy at school.  It is my aim to help children to continue to feel safe, supported, included and respected.’

Holly, Y5

What have the School Council been doing this year 2022 - 2023?

 The School Council have been very busy this academic year and have already achieved so much.

  • Taking a key role in charity fundraisers – Children in Need and Red Nose Day. The School Council decided on the fundraising activities that the school would take part in for each of these worthwhile charity days.
  • Feeding back to Mrs Towndrow Birds about what the pupils of Barlborough Primary School like about their school.
  • Creating a pupil friendly action plan relating to how we can improve our school. Key areas for improvement noted on this plan are:
    • Our playground
    • Our garden
    • Our library
    • How we travel to school
  • Meeting with Rob Bounds (ModeShift Stars) to celebrate our bronze award and to discuss how we can continue to promote active and sustainable ways to travel to and from school within our whole community.
  • Collecting data linked with means of transport to and from school and then discussing and analysing this data. Trends were identified and then used to help support next steps in our pupil friendly action plan.
  • Providing feedback based on new school initiatives – The use of Knowledge Organisers for Topic (Geography and History). This feedback was then shared during a staff meeting and acted upon accordingly.
  • Ensuring a fair distribution of class PE equipment.
  • Meeting with relevant staff members to discuss projects linked with the pupil action plan (Mr Fidler and Mrs Gilbert).
  • Deciding on the new name for the ‘Buddy Bench’.
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