Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381

School Policies

School Policies

Click on the links below to access some of our school policies.  Should you wish to receive a paper copy or information about our other policies please ask at the Office.

 Acceptable use of IT policy for pupils Foundation - KS1.docxDownload
 Acceptable Use of IT, Internet& Electronic Devices.pdfDownload
 Acceptable Use Policy For KS2.pdfDownload
 Accessibility Plan.docDownload
 Anti-Bullying Policy.pdfDownload
 Attendance Policy.pdfDownload
 Behaviour & Exclusion Policy.pdfDownload
 Behaviour Policy Governors' Statement of Principles.pdfDownload
 Behaviour Policy.pdfDownload
 Charging and Remissions Policy.pdfDownload
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