Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381

Religious Education

Religious Education

Statement of intent

Religious Education has a significant role for the development of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging through self-awareness and reflection. The principle aim of RE is to engage pupils in an enquiry approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influence of principle religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community. Religious Education contributes dynamically to children and young people’s education in schools by provoking challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.

We follow the Derbyshire agreed syllabus throughout school and the units of work that we deliver are broken into 3 main strands;

  • Believing - (Religious beliefs, teachings, sources; questions about meaning, purpose and truth)
  • Expressing - (Religious and spiritual forms of expression; questions about identity and diversity)
  • Living - (Religious practices and ways of living; questions about values and commitments)

Religious traditions are to be studied in depth as follows:


Schools should consider the pupils they serve in deciding whether to go beyond the minimum entitlements to learning about religions, which are that pupils should learn from:

4-5s and Reception
Children will encounter Christianity and other faiths, as part of their growing sense of self, their own community and their place within it.

5-7s - Key Stage 1
Christians and Muslims or Jewish people

7-11s - Key Stage 2
Christians, Muslims, Hindus and Jewish people


We aim for sufficient time to be given for RE and work towards the following hours:

4-5s - 36 hours of RE, e.g. 50 minutes a week or some short sessions implemented though continuous provision

5-7s - 36 hours of tuition per year (e.g. an hour a week, or less than an hour a week plus a series of RE days)

7-11s - 45 hours of tuition per year (e.g. an hour a week, or a serious of RE days or weeks amounting to 45+ hour of RE)


During their time at Barlborough Primary School all pupils need to develop a broad range of knowledge and skills across all curriculum areas.  To ensure that learning is targeted at the appropriate challenge level, progression grids are used.
Please find the RE progression grid below.


Please find the Intent, Implementation and Impact statement for RE below.

 Three Is RE.docxDownload
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