Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381

New Starters

New Starters

 We are delighted to welcome you and your child to our family from September 2024

We are very much looking forward to meeting our new starters and their family members.

I understand that your child starting school is such an exciting time but this can also feel slightly overwhelming so if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me via the school office on 01246 810381 or

Meet The Team

The children in Reception are taught by Miss Jolly who is supported by our wonderful teaching assistant Miss Stokes. 

Miss Jolly

Class Teacher

Miss Stokes

Learning Assistant 

Learning Through Play

At Barlborough Primary School we believe that children who feel happy and safe in an environment where they can explore and investigate will be successful learners. Therefore learning in Reception at Barlborough Primary School is achieved through a variety of play based activities, some that are led by the children and some that are enhanced by adult input. Alongside independent learning we deliver short focused teaching sessions where the children are taught Phonics, Maths and writing. During these focused sessions we incorporate story telling, songs and active approaches to make them engaging and fun for all, creating a real love of learning. We are also real advocates for encouraging children to utilise and develop their communication and language skills, so we incorporate many opportunities for discussions and children to explore vocabulary during child initiated and adult led learning opportunities. 

Our Classroom
Here is our lovely classroom and outdoor learning environment. We also have our very own cloakroom and toilets in Reception. These environments change regularly based on the children's interests, our topics and the weekly activities that are set up. 

Helpful Information For New Starters
Please find below some useful links and information to support the transition into school.

New Starters Parents/Carers Meeting 

Please view the new starters presentation here. 
This will be shared with you at the Reception Information Meeting on Wednesday 5th June at 5pm in the School Hall. 

Getting Ready For School 
A paper copy of this will be sent home in your welcome pack. 

Mouse Club

Things to Do
Scan the QR codes below using the camera on your phone to take you to their websites. 

Please complete this digital 'All about me' form before the end of July to enable the Reception team to get to know as much information about your child before they start school. This will allow them to plan in some of their favourite activities and prepare for their arrival at school.

Or click here

Please register your child to receive free milk everyday until they turn 5. 

Or visit the site here.





Please refer to the 'Guide to School Readiness' booklet above for more information about our uniform. While school uniform is compulsory and an important aspect of school life, it is not a requirement that parents buy a sweatshirt with an embroidered school logo.  We have chosen a colour which is widely available in all supermarkets, and it is your choice where you purchase your child’s uniform. If you would like embroidered logos, please visit MyClothing here. This company comes highly recommended by many of our families and used to provide the embroidery service to Tesco's school uniform service, which is no longer available. 

Other Information

 Class Dojo information.pdfDownload
 Derbyshire ready-for-school-leaflet.pdfDownload
 Getting to School.pdfDownload
 Pacey Preparingforschool Guide.pdfDownload
 Saying goodbye in the mornings.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

For information about the Breakfast and Afterschool Clubs that we run, or to book onto these, please visit this page here. 

If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s transition, please feel free to contact the school office at or call 01246 810381.


We are looking forward to welcoming you and your child to Barlborough Primary School over the next term as we all prepare for the start of your child’s next chapter in their educational journey together.

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