Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381

School Policies

School Policies

Click on the links below to access some of our school policies.  Should you wish to receive a paper copy or information about our other policies please ask at the Office.

 Curriculum Policy.pdfDownload
 Cyber Misuse Policy.docxDownload
 Data Protection Policy for Schools.docxDownload
 Dinner Money Policy.pdfDownload
 Drug Education and Incident Management Policy.pdfDownload
 Equality and Diversity in Employment Statement.pdfDownload
 Exclusion Policy.pdfDownload
 Freedom of Information Plicy.docDownload
 Gifted and Talented - Most Able Policy.pdfDownload
 Health and Safety Policy.pdfDownload
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