Barlborough Primary School

Barlborough Primary School

Aiming Higher - Together

High Street, Barlborough, S43 4ET

01246 810381

Remote Learning

Remote Learning

Although online learning is no longer used on a regular basis, please find information below about how we approach remote learning in our school. 

If our children need to access remote learning, we use Microsoft Teams as our online learning platform.

To log into Microsoft Teams, please use the school email address and password which has been allocated to your child and sent home. 

If you require your child's username or password, please contact the school office on 01246 810381.

If a whole class is required to learn remotely, you will be invited to live lessons with the class teacher. An invite with the scheduled lessons will be sent to your child’s account and will appear on the Teams calendar.  

We aim to teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school, wherever possible. However, we may have to make some adaptations to make this accessible at home as our curriculum is usually very hands-on and interactive and we are aware that physical resources we use in school are not available in all homes.

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. If you have trouble accessing devices or suitable broadband, please contact the school.

Please see our remote learning policy below for more information about this. 

 Remote Learning Policy.pdfDownload
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